iSchool is a study organizer and Timetable Schedule Planner (for schools and universities). Very minimalistic but has everything you need. Study schedule, notes are attached to classes, homework with notifications, grades, grades analytic. Take a pictures or use voice recording as a note. Very simple. Very useful.
cPMR is very simple and convenient Personal Medical Record organizer for iPhone, which includes: Convention child diary, personal medical record, Electronics medical assistant, Height/weight tracking and Many more.
CuteTag has been recently updated. The newest version offers web-cloud synchronisation, some interface improvements and bug fixes. Now you can have assess to your CuteTag data through our web-interface
Following some requests of our users, we've designed a new Sport album. There are traditionally 10 templates. Please get our new album and don't forget to leave your comments on our iTunes page.
Real men wear uniform - be it a military outfit or a firefighter suit. In CuteShot's new album there are nice postcards of brave military men, strict judges and skilled pilots. You can get postcards from iTunes and try on our latest collection of best uniform suites.
We're thrilled to announce the launch of 20th album in CuteShot collection. 10 customizable Pirate postcards are available for download on iTunes.
Just before coming St. Valentine's Day Dreams album has been released.
We’ve just released new CuteTag updates both for iPhone and iPad. Apart from minor bugs fixing, we've added the function of QR codes recognition. By now the full list of CuteTag main features includes the following:
- visual map of your data;
- keeping text, pictures and voice notes;
- favorite tags option;
- possibility to combine range of tags;
- possibility to add, edit and remove tags;
- Swiping;
- file sharing;
- QR codes scanner.
It is always a pleasure to return to the sweetest memories of your childhood and enjoy once again those happy moments when parents used to take us to a circus show… Ladies and gentlemen, we’re pleased to present a new pack of Circus scenarios for CuteShot. Funny collection of circus postcards is available through in-app-purchase!
A bit more December surprises: CuteShot version 2.5.1 has been released, new album Christmas.Extra has been published... But the main and perhaps most pleasant news is great Christmas price drop for CuteShot. Yes, now you can get our app for $0 only! Please note that after downloading CuteShot you have 6 basic albums, the rest can be bought through IAP.
CuteTag Version 1.0.1 for Android has been recently released. Among new features are the following:
- Android 4 support
- new animation
- HD support
- bugs fixed
CuteTag 1.7.2 version is already in the AppStore. Among new features are iOS and iPhone 5 support and, of course, some bug fixes.
We've added 3 more albums to CuteShot collection this month: Teens, Get Well Soon and Congrats from Cats. Now there are more than 150 scenarios in 15 albums and, of course, lots more coming soon!
We're glad to announce a promocodes giveaway for iBuster game. Practically anyone can take part in the contest and get a chance to get a FREE promocode for the full version of iBuster game. Please read more on our Facebook page.
The newest "Get Well Soon" Album has been added to CuteShot collection. Right now you can get it through in-app purchase.
Welcome CuteShot 2.5. which is now optimized for iPhone 5.
The newest features coming along with the latest version:
- iPhone 5 support;
- Push Notifications;
- Twitter and Facebook functioning via the native iOS framework;
- Postcards are loaded from the server;
- Ability to send us a picture to convert it into a CuteShot postcard;
Now you can send us an interesting picture or photo and we'll convert it into a new postcard for CuteShot Albums.
How it works:
1. You send us a photo/picture via CuteShot.
2. We take a closer look at it and make some design magic
3. We add this picture as a new postcard to Cuteshot albums
Ideas and suggestions for new album themes are also very welcome!
Halloween fright night coming closer and closer... Time to send scariest wishes to everyone! Look for NEW SPOOKTACULAR POSTCARDS in our Halloween album and treat your friends with a portion of chilling congrats!
We're working on CuteShot 2.5 version to make you a pleasant Halloween surprise: adding new features, fixing bugs and designing new scenarios.
As promised, here is the newest CuteShot version 2.4 with an amazing Summer Album. There are 10 fresh postcards and each of them has its unique summer charm. Green grass and flowers, beach resorts with yellow sand, lots of sun and tons of fun! We've also added more templates to Frames Albums. Now you can find even more postcards here!
The current CuteShot update goes along with a new China Mix Album. Find 10 new postcards: Asian-styled frames, sakura trees, pandas and samurai. Enjoy your summer with CuteShot!
CuteShot has been featured in Photo&Video Apps Gone Free Section at iSnoops
Latest summer update from CuteShot is already on the AppStore. The release includes 2 fresh albums with lots of juicy templates and new type of postcards.
P.S. Don't forget to rate CuteShot App on iTunes! We're eager to get your feedback!
We've arranged a great sale for Easter and Retro albums. Buy 2 CuteShot Albums for $0.99 only!
Our latest release includes new extra album with stylish retro postcards. We hope you enjoy it! We do appreciate your feedback about CuteShot and would be glad to hear your suggestions and ideas about new albums and features.
How to make a CuteShot postcard:
- Take a snapshot or choose a photo from iPhone gallery
- Choose necessary CuteShot template
- Include your best greetings, warm wishes or perhaps a message of love
- Share your exclusive postcard by email, send it to Twitter or post to Facebook
- That’s it!
Dear users! We’re terribly sorry for troubles with CuteShot during the weekend. It was a kind of technical issue, but we’ve managed to find and fix the problem. We ask and hope for your understanding in this matter.
We wish you all a wonderful rocking Easter! Meet our surprise - fresh CuteShot version:
- 10 bright Easter templates
- iPad adaptation
- newly designed interface
We're glad to announce that CuteTag for Android mobile devices is already on Google Play. New version is free - please check out its key features.
We're working on mega update for CuteShot. Fresh features, cool templates and lots more pleasant surprises coming...
Read a Squidoo Lens about CuteShot-Awesome Postcards here
We sincerely congratulate everyone on the coming St. Valentine's Day! Lots of love, tenderness and fun not only on February 14th, but all year round!We've cut the price for CuteShot App to $0.99 only. Be quick to send tons of love to someone very special. Choose the nicest CuteShot Valentine's template and express your true feelings by sending sweet postcard!
We hope that 2012 will bring a lot of jouful and happy moments to you. We're happy to announce the latest update for CuteShot App. Get the newest improved version of CuteShot to send your best after-new-year wishes!
Good news! CuteTag is already on Android market. Android version has the best features of CuteTag: possibility to build visual map of your notes, back up all data to web-cloud, choose favorite tags etc. The current version of the app is free but has a 200 record limit.
CuteTag is getting ready to be launched at Android Market. Soon all Android fans will get a chance to discover, explore and enjoy wide range of CuteTag features on their devices.
CuteTag keeps being improved. Now you can take advantage of using CuteTag on iPad. Free version is already available for download on the App Store.
The newest Cutetag update has just been launched. We have included data syncronization with web-cloud and added Japanese language. You are welcome to try out the new version and share your experience with using Cutetag on our FB page.
Since our CuteTag Lite iPhone application is available online for almost a year, many users must have collected a large amount of personal data. Taking care of that we added a new screen which make the data exploring as easy as possible. CuteTag will draw a map of your data based on your tags. We are expecting it to be approved by Apple within a week. See here for more information about how to use that feature.
Let me remind you that the initial impulse to build CuteTag was a desire to create a tool with very convenient navigation through personal data. So CuteTag team continues with its effort to make sure that your data never be lost in a vast ocean of information and always be at your fingertips. The new small improvement of data navigation is going live with a new coming release (expected to be online next week). Remember, that is was possible to make every note with several tags and then narrow the search by clicking on a particular tag? Assuming that the amount of your personal data is growing right now it is possible to select/unselect more than one tag. Let me give you an example. Let’s say you have a hundred of records marked as NOTES, ToDo, Picture and Friends. Initially clicking Notes you might see all notes. BUT some notes might also be marked as Friends (if they are about friends) or Picture etc. Right now you can search this in the following manner: please show me all records marked as Notes and Friends. That will allow to handle bigger amount of personal notes a lot easier than before.
A new update of CuteTag has been sumbitted for the review to the AppStore and is expected to be published soon.
Now you can combine two tags while filtering records. Besides we have fixed the bug with email sending and some other minor bugs to make your experience with using CuteTag even more pleasant.
CuteTag 1.6 has just been reviewed by iReview team. We’re glad that our app deserved rather favourable comments, although some constructive criticism has been included, as well... We’ll definitely take all this into consideration while working on future CuteTag updates. Read the review here.
The good new also is Apple AppStore staff now approves us very fast.. it only took 3-4 day to promote new version.
CuteTag 1.6 version is already on its way to AppStore. New features coming in this update are:
- landscape / portrait orientation of all screens;
- deleting records with natural swyping gesture;
- zoom for pictures.
We expect it to be approved in 1-2 weeks.
We have done a serious work in order to increase stability of our CuteTag knowledge-organizer and now the new improved version has been submitted to Apple Store. We are expecting it to be available by Febriary 10. Except better stability it also included import pictures from Gallery, some design improvements and some adjustments for better view in iPad. Thanks for everyone for being patient!
Just want to explain why we still have not came up with that synchronization which was announced a month ago. The most obvious way to do that is just to create simple SOAP based web-service on our web-server and that is it. But this approach has some well-known drawbacks like concern about privacy and fear of uploading very sensitive data onto someone's server. So, we are still trying to figure out another way and right now our favor is for something like a peer-to-peer approach. So, everyone who desire to backup their data download a small desktop application which serves as a back-up server on your own computer. Thus, the real data will not be transmitted to third-party server, but only to your personal computer. This approach will also allow to explore and modify data from that desktop application.
We have our Win Mobile 7 CuteTag version ready, but it looks like the Windows App Hub registration process will be a pain... Why is it so complex? :) They are requesting marriage status, age etc... and finally do not accept our credit card...
We understand the importance of the import of previously entered information, so we have started to work in that direction. The upcoming version will contain a possibility not only to take pictures from camera, but to import it from iPhone Gellery as well.
Today a term “cloud computing” is used mostly with regard to web sphere and can be defined generally as virtual services available over the Internet. However some IT-specialists do not limit cloud computing to a web only, and predict cloud services a great mobile future.
AppAdvice has teamed up with Offsiteteam in order to offer you a chance to win one of five (5) promo codes for CuteTag Lite for iPhone and iPod touch ($2.99).
To be productive you need a detailed action plan. Or even a strategy of your own. However difficult it is to organize yourself, you should take it seriously. Otherwise, it can’t be helped …
First of all, you need to arm yourself with a notebook and a pen or even better with several notebooks and a lot of pens. Besides, don’t forget about sticky notes to jot down all up-n-coming ideas, thoughts and impressions.
The new version of CuteTag with a possibility to post pictires or notes to your personal FaceBook or Twitter account is on its way. We are expecting it to be available on the Apple Store on December 15th.
Right now have caught myself thinking that Black Friday is just round the corner. So many of you are ready to get up early to join a long-long queue of people eager to make the cheapest deals of the year. Without any doubt Black Friday following Thanksgiving Day is one of the greatest things about living in the United States. It is so tempting and challenging to buy Christmas gifts at the lowest prices…
Just decided to continue the previous blog post and make a short run through battles, fights and combats between Google and Apple.
Perhaps you remember those happy times when Google and Apple were working hard together, collaborating, integrating and leading a silent war against Microsoft.
Just have come upon an article saying that an endless combat between Google and Apple seems to get a new turn…
Both Google and Apple promised to add support for a Near Field Communications feature. And now all smartphone-toting users hold their breath and keep watch over news or rumors from the two technology giants.
The work on the new version is just started, we are still determining the list of features to be included. And the version for Win 7 Mobile on its way. Stay tuned.
From this very moment we are starting to make the difference between paid and free versions. Until now they were completely identical, except the fact the Free app is iAds based. The first step toward that is all new features will be released on paid CuteTag a month ahead of free version. We are also not going to include some nice visualization tools in Free version.
Nevertheless, upcoming cloud will be available for both.
The new update for CuteTag paid version is going to be submitted today and it is expected to be available around Nov 15.
New features are the following:
- indication of amount of records under each tag
- edit tags possibility
- fixing some bugs related to special symbols in TAGs
Dear valued customers!
There is one comment, which states that the application crashes too often... We cannot see any crash evidences in Apple Crash Report section, so if somebody do has experienced any issues, please let us know any possible details via Contacts section.
We have decided to show the amount of records under each tags on the main page. So, starting from the next release which is going to be submitted into AppStore in a couple of days, we will show number of tags in right-bottom corner of each tag.
We are planning a new release right now... The features to be included:
- Edit Tags
- some visualization of data-interlinking
- some more localizations.... Japan's may be?
We had a lot of questions about the difference between Lite and Free versions of CuteTag. So the only difference between them is Ads. Paid version is Ads free, but Free is running Apply iAds Network. The functionaly is the same.
It just has been approved by Apple and available on iTunes.
It includes:
- some new look-and-feel adjustments
- German and Russian localization
- iPhone 4 adjustments
Unfortunately we had to remove AES 256 encryption again, as after a long communication with Apple, it becomes clear that we do need export regulation agreement, which is going to be a long story... So we have deceived to give it up for iPhone version but perhaps include it in our Win 7 and Android versions
We understand, that having import from some most popular productivity applications like EverNote is very important, but while exploring their Agreement for using EverNote API we have found the following:...
Right now we only have import from internal iPhone NotesDB, which is started once right after the first launch of the application. But unfortunatelly, Apple allows it only starting from iOS 4.
As for Evernote... we are working on that import and expecting to add it in two weeks plus regular Apple's approve time. That update will be free, so you will be able to download it in approximately a month, we believe... if we won't face some more troubles.
As far as CuteTag sales already started, any suggestions or feedback are greatly welcome... We promise to take them into account as soon as we get them in a shortest possible time. So, please do not hesitate to add them to our blog or support sections.
Well, we finally have submitted our CuteTag application to AppStore, but it looks like it would be very hard to save a feature of 256 Encryption ... they requested some kind of licensing, so unfortunatelly, we had to remove that possibility from CuteTag, at least in the first version. Anyway, we will try to add this later... or probably create an Android version, where the submission rules are not so strick.
So, we are expecting to have our application on the AppStore next week... hopefully :)
If someone is interested in testing CuteTag knowledge base (and get life-long free version), please apply via Contact Us section. We promise to take into account all suggestions, so it might be a chance to tune the CuteTag according to your own needs.
We are still trying to get an Apple Development Program license to allow downloading our first iPhone beta version. Not an easy job actually and takes a lot of time.
So, next week we are going to make available for download our first Ad-Hoc free version.